Since the dialog makes sense only when there's a message for it, the program sets the "no dialog" flag when the message is empty. 因为对话只在它有消息时才有意义,所以程序在消息为空时会设置“无对话”标记。
In this scenario, it doesn't make sense to continue to resend the request message past the delivery of the first response. 在此场景中,继续重新发送错过了第一个响应交付的请求并没有意义。
That sense, I suspect even in writing a text message, that one would have. 我认为,甚至在发短信,的过程中,我们都能感受这种力量的存在。
So a reply only makes sense if a receive received a message before in a service operation that has an IN-OUT message exchange. 因此,应答活动只有在这种情况下才有意义:在进入一个具有IN-OUT消息交换的服务操作前,接收操作接收到了一条消息。
In these cases, it may not make sense to display all message classifications to all users. 在这些情况下,向所有用户显示所有邮件分类可能没有意义。
Therefore, it makes perfect sense to place the most important message of the website right there and thus make sure that readers get the message as quickly as possible. 因此,把网站最重要的信息放在那里是再明智不过的了,这样就能确保访问者尽可能快的看到信息。
But I do have a sense though that even in that context there's a sense that one might look at the text message one wrote six months ago, and say: "Ha! Could I possibly have written that?". 但我觉得,甚至在写短信时,一个人可能会回看六个月前,所写的短信,然后开始怀疑:,这短信是我写的么?
Therefore, it makes sense to assume that the software industry just needed some new message to hang onto, and the message delivered by the Agile Manifesto fitted very well. 因此,假设软件业只是需要一些新的信息去依附是合乎情理的,而敏捷宣言传达的信息很适合。
Language visual rhetoric is different from image rhetoric in the nature of symbol, characteristics of sense organs, coding and decoding, nature of message sending and receiving, and their functions. 语言修辞和图像修辞在符号性质、载体、感官特征、编码、解码、信息性质以及传输和接收、功能发生等方面都存在差异。
Under the conditions of decreasing soil moisture content, plants can sense it and send the message of moisture stress to their leaves by ABA to reduce the plant transpiration by regulating the stomatal conductance of leaves. 在土壤水分减少的情况下,植物可以感知并利用脱落酸(ABA)作物信号传递物质,将水分胁迫信号传至叶片,进而调节气孔导度,减少蒸腾耗水。
The hardware system includes master module, credit card processing module, sense coil module, automatic barrier controlling modules, LED displaying module, voice message prompting module, CAN communication module and Ethernet communication module. 主要包括主控模块、刷卡处理模块、地感线圈模块、道闸控制模块、LED显示模块、声音信息提示模块、CAN通信模块和以太网通信模块等。
After integrating the parked vehicles and the moving ones, we establish PLC-based distributed database systems to sense event, collect information, process data, disseminate message and response query for vehicle users and outside users. 通过停放车辆和运动车辆的合作,可以建立基于停车场集群的分布式数据库系统,对车辆用户和外部用户提供全面的事件感知、信息收集、数据处理、消息发布和查询响应。
In its most general sense, it occurs when a member of one culture produces a message for comprehension by a member of another culture. More precisely, intercultural communication is communication between people whose culture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event. 就其最通常的意义而言,它发生于由来自一种文化背景的人发出一个信息,再由来自另外一种文化背景的人对这一信息进行理解。